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School Rules

At Bishop Gilpin we have four school rules.

1.       We are safe. Everyone at Bishop Gilpin is valued and respected within a safe and positive atmosphere.

2.       We make good choices. Our children are encouraged to reflect on their options and learn how to make the right choices in all situations.

3.       We are caring. Everyone at Bishop Gilpin is special and important and we celebrate this through caring for each other.

4.       We do our best. Everyone is encouraged to take pride in their school, their class, their work and their relationships.

At Bishop Gilpin we aim to create a safe, calm and caring environment in which everyone can work, play and build relationships, and all can achieve their potential. We also encourage and equip our children to make positive choices in their behaviour, and strive to understand the context of our children’s behaviour and support them and their families where appropriate.

Parents also have a vital role in promoting good behaviour in our school, and, to help with this, we encourage effective home-school liaison. We involve parents by:

  • consulting parents/carers in the ongoing development of this policy
  • sharing the policy through the website
  • talking to parents about their children’s achievements, either informally or through reports and parent evenings
  • communicating honestly about concerning behaviour at the time that the behaviour occurs.

 Parents also help by:

  • discussing the four school rules with their child, emphasising their support for them and their enforcement of them
  • working in partnership with the school to ensure a positive learning environment is supported.