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Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

A firm foundation for a lifetime of learning

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum at Bishop Gilpin aims to provide opportunities for our children to build a firm foundation for a lifetime of learning through equipping them with the confidence, independence and resilience to embark on challenge in their learning. 

This is achieved by providing an early years curriculum that has been developed through pedagogical research, best practice and the expertise of our team. We believe that children need rich opportunities to initiate ideas and activities so that they develop the learning characteristics that will support lifelong learning.

In the Foundation Stage, the curriculum is delivered through a well balanced blend of child initiated and adult led learning to provide the best learning opportunities for each child. Adult-led learning is achieved predominantly through whole class teaching opportunities rather than by grouping by ability*. In this way, each child is exposed to a rich and demanding curriculum with additional support provided for those who need it, and with additional challenge for those who are ready for it.

Our early years team, across Nursery and Reception,  brings a variety of skills and experience which are used across the phase to best support all children. We believe that the role of the adult is to support the children in their learning through play partnering, scaffolding and support. Interactions are at the heart of our teaching and learning with interventions taking place through play and exploration. The adults understand the importance of getting involved in the play thus enabling them to model, support and encourage the children in all areas of their learning. Through effective questioning, steeped in the latest research, we are able to extend children’s ability to verbalise, explain and reason which in turn extends and deepens their understanding in all areas of learning.

To support and enhance our early years curriculum, we provide an environment and continuous provision that allows each child to display high levels of concentration, creativity, energy and persistence. The rationale behind this is that high levels of well-being and involvement lead to high levels of child development and indicate deep level learning.  We further support our children in developing their learning and social skills through our unique approach based on Guy Claxton’s 4Rs. 

Our aim is that children in the Foundation stage develop a love of learning through engagement and enjoyment in the curriculum.  We hope that all children will be inspired and motivated to actively participate in the curriculum to help prepare them for the future challenges of the National Curriculum in key stage one and for a lifetime of learning. 

*There may be exceptions to this in Nursery due to different cohorts that are admitted to the Nursery over the course of the year. 

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